When is Check in time?
We like to have your cabin fresh and clean for your arrival. To ensure this, earliest check in is 2pm.
When is Check out time?
Check out time is 10am. If you wish to extend your stay, please advise us ASAP so we can confirm availability of this for you. Late check out will incur a small fee.
Can I smoke?
We ask that you refrain from smoking in the cabins.
Smoking is not permitted in any Apartment, Cabin, Camp Kitchen or amenities. Please use litter bins & ash trays provided. If you have been smoking in your cabin you will be responsible for an excess cleaning charge of $200.
What is the Phone Reception like?
Next G / 3G mobile phone reception is available. A public telephone is located at the local shopping centre.
Can I bring my pets?
Pet friendly on powered & unpowered sites only, BUT PRIOR APPROVAL REQUIRED from Management.
NO PETS should enter into accommodation or be left unattended at any time.
Pets are allowed in the park with prior approval from Management. All pets are to remain on a lead and are not permitted to roam free. Pets must be supervised at all times and owners are responsible to clean up after their pets. If pets are found to have been in the cabins, apartments, camp kitchen or amenities, you will be responsible for an excess cleaning charge of $200. Failing to comply with these rules, you will be asked to leave the park with NO refunds.
What are your Office and Shop Hours?
Reception is open from 8am to 8pm.
What facilities and venues does the Town of Tablingo Offer?